
East New Mexico News

Monday, March 10, 2025

El Paso County: One less active license to practice law in May than previous month

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There was one less active legal license in El Paso County in May compared to the previous month, according to the State Bar of New Mexico.

There were 228 active legal licenses in El Paso County in May, compared to 229 the month before.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.

As of 2023, the average salary for a lawyer in New Mexico is around $93,034 per year.

There is a severe lawyer shortage in New Mexico. Two counties in New Mexico have no attorneys, while 21% of the state's counties have no more than five lawyers.

Not all lawyers with active licenses to practice are represented in the table below.

Lawyers in El Paso County with active legal licenses in May
Lawyer NameName of Firm
Aaron David GoldfarbThe Goldfarb Law Firm, PLLC
Aaron VillalpandoAaron
Adrian AcostaDickinson Wright, PLLC
Adrian Jose Rodriguez
Alejandra ValdezLaw Office of Luis Yanez
Alex Lyle BrinkUS Army
Alexander James YoakumOram & Houghton, PLLC
Alexis LuceroLaw Office of Alexis Lucero
Alfonso CotaLaw Firm
Allison A. Sipes
Alysandra E. MartinezKemp Smith, LLP
Amber Monique Castro
Andres Eduardo AlmanzanMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan
Andrew Lee AinsaAinsa Hutson Hester & Crews, LLP
Angelica B. CarreonCarreon & Beltran, PLLC
Brandon Lee LettunichBrandon Lee Lettunich Attorney at Law
Brett DukeLaw Offices of Brett Duke, P.C.
Brian Calhoun MundellCal Mundell Law Firm, PLLC
Brian Mathison
Brian Paul BrackRay Peña McChristian, P.C.
Brian Paul Kennedy
Brian Paul KennedyBrian Kennedy Law Firm, LLC
Brittany L. LopezMendez Isaac Joudi, PLLC
Brock Morgan BenjaminBenjamin Law Firm
Bruce A. KoehlerMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan
Carlos Gerard MadridEl Paso County Attorney's Office
Carlos Gomez Baca Jr.Office of the City Attorney
Carlos M. QuinonezQuinonez Law Firm, PLLC
Carlos RinconRincon Law Group, P.C.
Carmen Irene Huerta-PerezLinebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
Casey Antonio WilliamsAntonio Williams Attorney at Law
Casey S. StevensonScottHulse, P.C.
Charles Julius Ruhmann IV
Charles Julius Ruhmann IVRuhmann Law Firm
Christopher Charles BenoitCoyle & Benoit, PLLC
Clara B. BurnsKemp Smith, LLP
Clark S. HarmonsonHarmonson Law Firm, P.C.
Clinton Eugene Wolf Jr.Kemp Smith, LLP
Clyde Anthony Pine Jr.Mounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan, P.C.
Cody Dan Luther
Cori Ann Harbour-ValdezThe Harbour Law Firm, P.C.
Cris EstradaJim Darnell, P.C.
Damian Ryan George RasmussenLaw Offices of Damian Rasmussen
Daniel AvelarWyatt Underwood
Daniel H. Hernandez Sr.Ray Peña McChristian, P.C.
Daniel MarquezThe Law Office of Daniel A. Marquez
Daniela LabinotiLaw Firm of Daniela Labinoti, P.C.
David D. Vandenberg Esq.34th Judicial District Attorney's Office
David Lawrence LeffmanLeffman Law Firm, PLLC
David M. MirazoDickinson Wright, PLLC
David Michael ChavezLaw Offices of Luis Yanez
Diana Marie Giles ShearerCounty of El Paso
Donald C. Davie
Douglas Paul Cordova
Dustin Richards SparksLaw Office of Dustin R. Sparks, LLC
Eduardo A. RodriguezStrategic Communication Consulting Group
Eduardo BeckettBeckett Law Firm, P.C.
Eduardo SolisLaw Offices of Eduardo Solis, PLLC
Edward Dev. Bunn Jr.Firth Bunn Kerr Neill
Emmanuel Morga
Enrique Chavez Jr.Chavez Law Firm
Enrique PalomaresLaw Offices of Enrique Palomares
Eric Bliss DarnellLaw Office of Eric B. Darnell
Eric Michael BrittainWindle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay, LLP
Eric PainterRibail Law, PLLC
Felicia de LeonMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan, P.C.
Felipe Alberto HerreraMorrison & Foerster, LLP
Felipe D. J. MillanFelipe D. J. Millan Attorney at Law
Francisco J. Ortega Jr.ScottHulse, P.C.
Gabriel S. PerezLaw Office of Gabriel S. Perez, PLLC
Garrett Jennings YanceyJobe Materials LP
Gary Joseph TurnerMortgage Solutions Financial, LLC
George Dominic RussoEmployers Council
Gerard MontroseMontrose Law Office
Gilbert L. SanchezKemp Smith, LLP
Hannah G. FieldsThe Fields Law Firm, P.C.
Harrel L. DavisGordon Davis Johnson & Shane, P.C.
Harry Fredrick MandellLaw Office of Frederick Mandell
Henry J. BeckerScottHulse, P.C.
Humberto S. EnriquezEnriquez Law Firm, PLLC
Irina BarahonaLaw Office of Irina Z. Barahona
J. L. JayWindle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay, LLP
Jacob J. Barde
Jacobett Eugenia Rivera LujanLovett Law Firm
James Allen MartinezMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson and Galatzan, P.C.
James Bryce Kennedy Jr.James Kennedy, PLLC
James Charles Black
James Franklin ScherrScherr Legate, PLLC
James Jeep O. Darnell Jr.Jim Darnell, P.C.
James Kirby Read Jr.
James M. FeuilleScottHulse, P.C.
James W. BrewerKemp Smith, LLP
James William Bibb
Javier Martinez Jr.The Law Office of Javier Martinez Jr, P.C.
Jay R. Hone
Jeanette Alejandra GarciaRincon Law Group, P.C.
Jeffrey T. LuckyRay Pena McChristian, P.C.
Jerome William Wesevich
Jerome William WesevichTexas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Jessica BondsEmployers Council
Jessica Goldman PretigerShared Assessments, LLC
Jessica MendezLaw Office of Jessica Mendez, P.C.
Jim DarnellJim Darnell, P.C.
Jimena A. Gandara
John Andrew WenkeLaw Office of John A. Wenke
John Lee GranbergGranberg Law Office
John Lomax AndersonRincon Law Group
John M. DickeyGordon Davis Johnson & Shane, P.C.
John Michael AufieroLovett Law Firm
John Paul ValdezDavie & Valdez, P.C.
John S. JohnstonUS Attorney's Office Western District of Texas
John Scott MannMann Morrow, PLLC
Jonathan H. HuertaThe Huerta Law Firm
Jonathan L. R. BaezaJ. Baeza Law Firm, PLLC
Jose Abe GonzalezEl Paso Electric
Jose Angel Silva Jr.Silva Law Firm
Jose Carlos Vega Jr.Robles Bracken & Hughes
Jose Manuel MunozJM Munoz Law Firm, PLLC
Jose PadillaLinebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson
Joseph Gabriel IsaacMendez Isaac Joudi, PLLC
Joseph L. Hood Jr.Windle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay, LLP
Joshua Cody SpencerLaw Rhinos
Joshua Flynn RhoadsGordon Davis Johnson & Shane, P.C.
Joshua J. BieganowskiBieganowski Law Group
Joshua W. SniderGordon Davis Johnson & Shane, P.C.
Ken Del ValleKen del Valle Law Office
Ken SlavinKemp Smith, LLP
Kirk Michael CooperCooper Appeals, PLLC
Kristal Melisa WadeNone
Larry G. FieldsLarry G. Fields, P.C.
Larry H. Phifer
Laura EnriquezLaura Enriquez and Associates, PLLC
Lauren D. SerranoPineda Serrano, PLLC
Laurence Eugene Garrett
Lee Roy MontionLaw Offices of Michael Gopin, PLLC
Leila Safi HobsonLeila S. Hobson, PLLC
Lisa Anne Elizondo
Lisa Anne ElizondoThe Law Office of Lisa A. Elizando
Louis E. Lopez Jr.
Louis E. Lopez Jr.Louis E. Lopez Attorney at Law
Luis YanezThe Law Offices of Luis Yanez
Lynne M. Brooks
Marco Antonio ArandaAranda Law Firm
Mario FrankeUS Army
Mario Yague RiosKemp Smith, LLP
Mark A. StinnettStinnett Law Group, PLLC
Mark C. WalkerDickinson Wright, PLLC
Mark Dalton DoreMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan, P.C.
Martin Guerrero Jr.
Mary Stillinger
Mary StillingerStillinger & Godinez, PLLC
Marylee Von Warwick Jurecky
Mateo Delgado
Matthew James LopezGlasheen Valles & Inderman, LLP
Matthew Manuel RibailRibail Law
Matthew Thomas ArmendarizScottHulse, P.C.
Maxey M. ScherrScherr Law Firm, PLLC
Merwan N. BhattiMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan, P.C.
Michael F. AinsaAinsa Hutson Hester & Crews, LLP
Michael Gernon McLeanGordon Davis Johnson & Shane, P.C.
Michael J. ShaneGordon Davis Johnson & Shane, P.C.
Michael Jacquez
Michael T. MilliganLaw Office of Mike Milligan
Miguel D. MunozGordon Davis Johnson & Shane, P.C.
Miguel Talamantes A. Guzman
Milad Kaissar FarahFarah Law Group
Mitchell M. MossMoss Legal Group, PLLC
Monica Lupita PerezMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan, P.C.
Noemi V. LopezRay Peña McChristian, P.C.
Norbert J. GarneyUS District Court
Omar F. DarwichThe Darwich Law Firm
Orlando J. TorresLaw Offices of Orlando J. Torres
Orlando MondragonLaw Office of Orlando Mondragon
Oscar J. OrnelasThe Ornelas Firm, PLLC
Pamela Genghini MunozLaw Office of Pamela G. Munoz
Paul G. TellezRuhmann Law Firm
Rachael Renee Swiatek
Rachel Carver MorenoKemp Smith, LLP
Ralph William RichardsJobe Materials LP
Raoaa Riad KingOffice of the El Paso District Attorney
Raymond Benavides IIIMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan, P.C.
Raymundo Eli RojasRay Rojas Law, LLC
Reagyn A. GermerPatricia Germer-Coolidge, P.C.
Rebeca BustamanteLaw Office of Rebeca Bustamante
Rebecca H. AlvarezRay Peña McChristian, P.C.
Reid Parker RendonMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan, P.C.
Richard Aidan LucioUS Army JAG Corps
Richard Andrew BonnerKemp Smith, LLP
Richard D. WattsOffice of the US Attorney
Richard L. JewkesRichard L. Jewkes Attorney at Law
Robert A. SkipworthRobert A. Skipworth Attorney at Law, P.C.
Robert E. RiojasRiojas Law Firm, P.C.
Robert L. LovettLovett Law Firm, P.C.
Robert Lee EdwardsGordon Davis Johnson & Shane, P.C.
Robert Louis BlumenfeldMendel Blumenfeld & Pulido, PLLC
Robert M. Estrada II
Robert M. Estrada IIBlanco Ordoñez Mata & Wallace, P.C.
Robert Paul MaddoxKemp Smith, LLP
Roberto Lazaro SanchezThe Law Firm of Roberto L. Sanchez
Rodolfo MataBlanco Ordonez Mata & Wechsler, P.C.
Roger C. DavieRoger Davie, P.C.
Rolando MoralesResnick & Louis, P.C.
Rosa SungRay Peña McChristian, P.C.
Rosemary Morales MarinScottHulse, P.C.
Russell Terence AbelnCity of El Paso
Ryan E. LittleMounce Green Myers Safi Paxson & Galatzan, P.C.
Ryan M. HooverRiver Oaks Properties
S. TuckmanUS Department of Justice
Salena Karam Ayoub
Sam Jackson LegateScherr Legate, PLLC
Sam Snoddy Sr.Sam Snoddy Attorney at Law
Samuel Edwin SprowlesLaw Office of Samuel E. Sprowles
Santiago David HernandezHernandez Law Firm
Shelly W. RivasKemp Smith, LLP
Sofia Reyes McDermottReyes & Reyes Law Firm
Stephanie Townsend AllalaTownsend Allala Coulter & Kludt
Stephen A. HessThe Law Office of Stephen A. Hess, P.C.
Steve H. MazerTexas RioGrande Legal Aid
Steven E. AndersonAnderson Anderson Bright & Associates, P.C.
Steven J. BlancoBlanco Ordoñez Mata & Wallace, P.C.
Stewart W. ForbesForbes & Forbes
Sue M. KuritaEl Paso County Court at Law #6
Sylvia G. Porter
Tania M. ChozetFederal Public Defender of New Mexico
Teresa A. Greisch
Terry L. JohnsonKemp Smith, LLP
Thera McAvoyTexas RioGrande Legal Aid
Tiffany Nicole JoudiMendez Isaac Joudi, PLLC
Timothy D. JohnsonGordon Davis Johnson & Shane, P.C.
Valerie Lynn CoxValerie L. Cox Attorney at Law
Valerie Renee AugerKemp Smith, LLP
Wendy S. Armijo
William Bryce McGlashan Jr.Ellis & Ortega
Yosef W. AbrahamRincon Law Group, P.C.
Zachary Gregory DawScottHulse, P.C.



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